Comments on: Best Value Bass Guitars – 4 string, 5 string, short and long scale! The latest equipment news & rumors for guitar, recording and synthesizer. Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:39:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harvey Robinson Wed, 21 Dec 2022 05:20:38 +0000 awesome instrument, the fender is my favorite.

By: KEVIN Arthur Hyer Thu, 15 Dec 2022 20:00:34 +0000 I can’t believe a Squire wasn’t in the bunch. Fantastic for their price.

By: Kenneth Mason Tue, 13 Dec 2022 20:35:42 +0000 Hey, good afternoon guys. I currently have five basses : Yamaha, ESP B-104 & an IbanezSR500. The other a Schecter and the other just slips my mind for the moment, my favorites are the ESP & the Ibanez SR500. I’ve been thinking about checking out another bass to add to my collection.

By: Donald Randolph Mon, 12 Dec 2022 21:16:47 +0000 finish on Alder wood body with matching headstock, roasted maple neck with Indian Laurel fretboard/ Pearl block inlays - bonded on the side, brass saddles on the standard bridge, and the Rockwell split and single coil pickups provide a wide range of tonal capabilites, for this bass to be priced at $199 is mind-blowing, the Squier bass Classic Vibe edition or Anniversary edition are twice this price and definitely not as good, they use a poplar or agathis wood body, and they're hardware is dubious at best, Harley Benton is the winner, this is my second bass, I bought one a couple years ago, but their new line is worth a honorable mention!]]> I ordered and received the Harley Benton MV-4PJ Gotoh BM. This bass is fantastic, I usually modify my budget basses but this bass came with premium components, gorgeous purple 💜 finish on Alder wood body with matching headstock, roasted maple neck with Indian Laurel fretboard/ Pearl block inlays – bonded on the side, brass saddles on the standard bridge, and the Rockwell split and single coil pickups provide a wide range of tonal capabilites, for this bass to be priced at $199 is mind-blowing, the Squier bass Classic Vibe edition or Anniversary edition are twice this price and definitely not as good, they use a poplar or agathis wood body, and they’re hardware is dubious at best, Harley Benton is the winner, this is my second bass, I bought one a couple years ago, but their new line is worth a honorable mention!
