NAMM 2017: Stylophone Gen X-1 sneak preview
Things have not gone that well for Stylophone in recent times. There’s the lack-luster response to the Stylophone S2 that was released with a lot of fanfare back in 2012 (it’s too expensive!). And then there’s the unfortunate association with a certain bearded Australian who is currently serving time at the pleasure of Her Majesty.
But still, the original Stylophone is an iconic and sometimes ironic instrument that has had a massive influence on the synthesizer community. There would be no Korg Volcas without the Stylophone. There’s even a sense of Buchla about it (too far?).
Stylophone Gen X-1
So it was with a mixture of joy and disbelief that I came across an image of the Stylophone Gen X-1. Could Dubreq be coming up with what they always should have done? A synth that retains the charm of the original but gives you more to fiddle with? While remaining within reach of your pocket money? Quite possibly.
The image can be found on the Stylophone Official Facebook page and all they say is that it’s launching at NAMM 2017. Hopefully, it’s fun, fruity and above all else – cheap!
Update: The price is, apparently, going to be no more than £59.99 and you’ll get 20% off if you register your interest on the website.
More information may appear on the Stylophone Facebook page.