by Robin Vincent | 3,6 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 3 Minutes
Behringer JT-4000

Behringer JT-4000  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer JP-4000

Behringer JP-4000  ·  Source: Behringer

Behringer JP-4000

Behringer JP-4000  ·  Source: Behringer


Hot on the heels of the ProVS Mini being released last week, Behringer has announced the immediate shipping of the JT-4000 Micro (the synth formerly known as the JP-4000 Spirit).


Update 11th August 2023

Nearly 18 months after the then-named JP-4000 was revealed, Behringer snuck the final version of it out this evening. At £43/€50 they’ve honoured the price point they had originally planned, and this tiny unit packs some punch for that buck.

Final specs for the JT-4000 Micro are a four-voice paraphonic synth with two oscillators per voice. It also features a two-operator FM engine and an analogue filter. It features a small, touch-sensitive keyboard as well as a built-in arpeggiator. It can store up to 32 presets.

Behringer JT-4000 Micro

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The JP-4000 is a 4-voice clone of the Roland JP-8000 hybrid synth complete with Supersaw waveform in an adorably cute little box that’s destined to be a cult classic.

Update 25th March: Now there’s a video


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(Originally posted 25th Feb).

After all the fuss made of my article about the Behringer Pro-VS where I suggested it was a bit on the ugly side, the arrival of the JP-4000 made me burst into laughter – but for opposite reasons. This thing is wonderful! Isn’t it odd how just a few design decisions can flip a piece of technology from awful to awesome? There’s something in the balance and sizing of this one that is just right in the context of what they’re trying to do. I love it!

Anyway, Behringer has released a bunch of information about their adorable little JP-8000 clone. First of all, apparently, Uli Behringer dreams of a day when every child can have a synth just like he wanted when he was a kid and so the JP-4000 will be a stunning $49. So it’s not trying to be a full-sized synth with a front panel full of knobs and nuanced control – this is a fun-sized sound source with as much power and sound capability as they can fit in the tiny frame.

Behringer JP-4000

Behringer JP-4000

Inside we have 2 analog modelled oscillators per voice and a nice warm analog filter. The JP-8000 sound engine has been replicated along with the Supersaw waveform. 2-operator FM has been added and they’ve chosen to keep the 12-bit DAC for that classic sound. It comes with 32 presets, 16 touch-sensitive keys and an arpeggiator. It can all be controlled over USB. I wonder if the Synthtribe app will be expanded to give you a fuller synth programming experience because the front panel is looking a bit sparse on the control side.

In some ways, it does the JP-8000 a bit of a disservice because that was an immense and enjoyable synthesizer and here we have it transformed into a novelty version. Don’t get me wrong, this looks like a fun idea and I hope Behringer releases every synth ever in this same format, but I’d also like to see a more fully-fledged clone of the JP-8000 as the trouble has been taken to replicate it.

Anyway, the JP-4000 “Spirit” has made my day, so thanks for that Behringer.

  • Behringer Facebook post.
  • More from Behringer.
Image Sources:
  • Behringer JP-4000: Behringer
  • Behringer JT-4000: Behringer
Behringer JT-4000

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17 responses to “Behringer JT-4000 Micro Hybrid Modelling Synthesizer available now!”

    Jim Meaton says:

    So much in our lives is being “dumbed down” so please don’t do this with music technology

      Signal Slammer says:

      if you know gear and it’s history, it’s been dumbed down for certain things at several points. but yeah i feel u, i guess.

    peter says:

    One of the great things about the JP-8000 were all the knobs an sliders. Maybe they’ll come out with a larger version but lets get rid of the 12 bit dac or emulate it with an option for 32 bit etc

    Signal Slammer says:

    i agree this is pretty cool. however i’m suprised u didn’t label this as a Korg NTS-1 clone which it kind of is (okay maybe not cuz no effects or ext input lol). i would love an onboard sequencer (using the screen) but all-in-all a great toy. i’ll maybe purchase for my gf. peace

    Brian from Santa Fe says:

    This is awful – both functionally and visually. One of the reasons I never bought a Roland boutique is because of limited voices and a fiddly interface. Behringer is showing a Prophet VS and JP-8000 clone now, both of which I’d love to own in a full-fledged design. But not this. I will not buy something that ignores my needs this badly.

      Veng says:

      Maybe they’re not aiming it directly for your needs? I wouldn’t be surprised to see something like a full JP8000 clone come out from them though. One of the workshop photos from Behringer showed a front panel of a VirusA being modelled a while back, so it looks like VA stuff is possibly in the pipeline, and its relatively easy to do these days.

    Wave says:

    It’s horrific. The design is awkward to look at, with a useless keyboard format.

    John says:

    this would tuck nicely into the back of my Poly D, or the Pro VS into a MonoPoly. sweet!

    Dirk says:

    The original J8000 is a garbage synth and apart from one super saw sound it did nothing good, also the build quality was garbage. I was suckered into buying one when it first came out, at the time I didn’t know the juno 60 and Jupiter 8 was the real sound I was searching for. The jp8000 was the beginning of the dark years of crap digital synths and VST. Lucky those days are over with plenty of great analogue synths around and much better VST’s. This Behringer synth at least will be better than the original due to having an analogue filter.

      Pieter says:

      It was a abused synth from a kind of pimped spoiler car people . If you reprogram this synth all Roland sounds can be made with it .

    Intruder says:

    I was so happy when the horror carnival super saw tracks faded away and now this . Aiaiaiai .

    dbms says:

    Available in 2025?

    Ugo says:

    Yeees! German trance all the way!

    Rob Keeble says:

    The JP8000 has an 18-bit DAC via a digital filter. The JT4000 looks very cool, but its 12-bits via an analog filter.
    Its not the same sound…:-)

    iixorb says:

    It appears to be getting a lot of hate (from the comments, not the article), but I’d say this: It isn’t aimed at those who can afford to buy Korg’s, Roland’s, Nord’s etc. This might be one for the kids – and I’d have loved to have had something like this as a 10 year old (I had the Casio VL-Tone!). This could well be a great ‘gateway synth’ just as the VL-Tone was for many of us back in the early eighties.

    Bubi says:

    Available now? Where?
    Can anyone produce a link?

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