Comments on: The Best Compact Mixers (Analogue) for your Studio The latest equipment news & rumors for guitar, recording and synthesizer. Tue, 30 Jan 2024 11:21:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stefan Wyeth Sun, 02 Apr 2023 10:04:56 +0000 In reply to Craig Buy.

“All-in-one” products generally aren’t great but the Tascam Model 12 is worth a look.

By: Craig Buy Sun, 02 Apr 2023 06:56:10 +0000 i have a notepad 12fx which I think is great but I really think it’s due a new revision that allows all channels to be recorded over usb or at least gets rid of the neeed to run the app to change which channels the computer picks up as 3 & 4.

i am going to buy another one soon and as I have been mostly happy with my soundcraft I would like one of the MTK models however… 12 is not enough for me and 22 is too big …. please make a 16 channel version preferably with on board multichannel recording to SD.

in all honesty I thought there would have been more mixer/interface/recorders come to market. everything available now is actually quite old….. Why is this… have these products actually been a bit of a flop ?

By: John Vandenhoff Sun, 26 Mar 2023 14:03:35 +0000 In reply to THo65.

I was looking at a Model 12 a little while ago, I ended up with an LX7ii. It’s a bit bigger than I wanted, but I got an awesome deal on it and can’t complain about the quality or colour of the sound it produces. tbh, I feel a little spoiled.

By: THo65 Sat, 25 Mar 2023 08:15:34 +0000 I can confirm the good performance of the Soundcraft, using the 22-channel version.
Additionally I like to recommend the Tascam Model 12.
Internal effects could be better, but it offers also internal recording and mastering (incl. MIDI). Could be a good choice for semi-professional users.
