by Lasse Eilers | 5,0 / 5,0 | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
GrapHack, Wider 2.0, Outobugi Bundle: Free Plugins of the Week

GrapHack, Wider 2.0, Outobugi Bundle: Free Plugins of the Week  ยท  Source: Polyverse, Gearnews


Analog Obsession GrapHack is as unique as it is awesome: a graphic EQ with individual per-band saturation! Besides this excellent idea, our roundup of the best free plugins includes a stereo widener by Polyverse and three cool little freebies from the new developer Outobugi.


Analog Obsession GrapHack: Graphic EQ with Saturation

Analog Obsession GrapHack free pluginGrapHack by Analog Obsession is a strange beast indeed: The free plugin combines an American-style (API) graphic equalizer with individual saturators per band. You can switch each band to EQ or saturation mode, or use both at the same time. That allows for some pretty drastic frequency shaping! In addition, GrapHack offers a Mix slider for blending the wet and dry signals. To quote a commenter on Analog Obsessionโ€™s Patreon page: โ€œThis is what I didnโ€™t know I wanted.โ€

GrapHack is available for macOS and Windows in VST3, AU, and AAX Native formats.

Get GrapHack here

Polyverse Wider 2.0

Polyverse Wider Free PluginPolyverse Wider 2.0 is an update of the excellent pseudo-stereo widener plugin. It can increase the stereo width of any mono signal by up to 200% to create exaggerated stereo effects. The developer says that Wider avoids any phase issues and creates a fully mono-compatible output signal. The new version features a button that lets you check for mono compatibility. Furthermore, thereโ€™s now a Low Bypass knob for excluding the low frequencies from the effect, thus keeping the bass intact.

Wider 2.0 is available for macOS and Windows in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX formats.

Get Wider 2.0 here


Outobugi Dynastia, Bimono and Clamp

Outobugi Free PluginsNew developer Outobugi has released three nice-looking free plugins for Windows. Dynastia is a multiband upwards/downwards compressor that delivers the classic OTT effect, but with an additional M/S mode, a stereo width control, and distortion. Bimono is a mono-compatible stereo widener. Finally, Clamp is a hard-hitting clipper with 4x oversampling thatโ€™ll obliterate your audio tracks, drums, or even your master bus. Iโ€™m curious to find out what else is in the works!

Dynastia, Bimono and Clamp are currently only available for Windows in VST3 format.

Get the Outobugi plugins here

For many more free plugins like GrapHack, check out our huge archive!

Videos about GrapHack and other free plugins


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Image Sources:
  • analog-obsession-graphack: Analog Obsession
  • polyverse-wider-2-0: Polyverse
  • outobugi-dynastia-bimono-clamp: Outobugi
GrapHack, Wider 2.0, Outobugi Bundle: Free Plugins of the Week

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