Best audio interfaces of 2022

The best audio interfaces of 2022

27 Dec 2022 · With so many great new interfaces released this year, we've selected the best audio interfaces of 2022 for your home recording setup.

Top 5 Studio Gear List

19 Aug 2018 · With most of 2018 now behind us, it's time we took a look at the five most impressive pieces of studio gear we came across over the past 8 months. The industry didn't disappoint us at all this year!

MOTU ships UltraLite Mk4 interface

02 Nov 2016 · When it comes to choosing an audio interface, feature set can be one of the biggest deciders. MOTU's UltraLite Mk4 seems to offer everything you might need.

Top 5 Audio Interfaces for 2016

25 May 2016 · Choosing the best audio interface can be a really difficult decision. Here's our selection of the Top 5 Audio Interfaces out this year, that we recommend.