by Lyubomir Dobrev | Approximate reading time: 2 Minutes
DMG Audio TrackComp

TrackComp covers five decades of compression in a single window  ยท  Source: DMG Audio


Need a plug-in that packs five compressors into one? The Logic Pro X compressor already sort of does that and fares well, but if you are sick of it (or not a Logic user), here’s one to look into: DMG Audio’s TrackComp. DMG is the kind of company found by audio professionals who decided to stop butting heads with their profit-driven execs and go do their own thing. So they made a jam-packed compressor plug-in and priced it below the cut-off point of ninety-nine. Now that’s something to admire!


TrackComp looks like an iZotope Ozone design prototype and offers latency-free simulations of VCA, bus VCA, FET, Opto, and Digital compressors.

More specifically:

  • DMG (Digital compressor)
  • E-channel (British console channel compressor)
  • G-bus (British console bus compressor)
  • 76D (Revision D FET compressor)
  • 2A (1960s valve and opto compressor)

The models are based on successful hardware units spanning the last five decades, though the digital compressor is probably an original DMG design. The developers optimized their SPICE framework for extremely low CPU usage, they say, and approached modelling by creating a mathematical description of each unit, based on its circuitry. With this, DMG claims to have accurately recreated all hardware behaviours. Furthermore, they went and added a Sidechain filter and Response control to each model for more precise tweaking. And for a bit of modernization, the compressor lets you disable stepped controls in cases where the original hardware had such. Nifty!

Overall, TrackComp seems pretty cool and offers considerable value. Hopefully, its modern interface and sonic versatility can make it stand out in the vast choice of compressor plug-ins.

Price and availability

TrackComp is available now, in 32 & 64-bit VST, AU, and AAX formats for Windows and Mac computers. It costs 75 EUR / 67 GBP / 87 USD. A free demo version is available with registering on the DMG Audio website.

More information

DMG Audio TrackComp

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